
Outreach Activities

Educational and Outreach Activities

Photos Description: PI Zhang delivering a hands-on STEM lesson "Harvesting Energy from the Wind" to Native American students at Cankdeska Cikana Community College, North Dakota, as part of the Nurturing American Tribal Undergraduate Research and Education (NATURE) Sunday Academy Program (2023-2024) 

The PI also served as:

Professional Services

The PI is a member of several professional organizations including AIAA, APS DFD, and ASEE. The PI served as a member of AIAA Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee and has served as Session Chair for AIAA and APS DFD conferences. The PI also served as reviewer for several international journals, including International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Engineering Structures, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, Thermo-Mechanics Applications and Engineering Technology, Fluids, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, Wind and Structures, Advances in Mechanical Engineering. The PI also served in multiple NSF CBET, CMMI, GRFP grant review panels.

Facilities & Equipment

Due to the multidisciplinary nature of our research, we seek collaborations with researchers from various disciplines. The list of our facilities and equipment are shown below.

Lab space and major facilities

Equipment list