Conferences and Outreach
Conferences Organized:
2026, April 18-19, AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting, NDSU
2024, July 29-Aug. 2, Summer school on "Convex Geometry, Differential Geometry and Harmonic Analysis", Santander, Spain.
2023, April 22-23, Recent Advances in Applications of Harmonic Analysis to Convex Geometry, NDSU
2022, Sep 26-30, Harmonic Analysis Methods in Geometric Tomography, ICERM
2016, April 16-17: AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting, NDSU
2015, July 27-31: CBMS Conference "Reflectionless Measures, Riesz Potentials and Rectifiability" (Fedor Nazarov, main speaker)
2014, September 26-27: MAA, North Central Section Fall 2014 Meeting, NDSU
Outreach and Networking Activities:
Outreach and Networking Activities:
Sonia Kovalevsky High School Mathematics Day (for female high school students)
NDSU Talent Search (for high school students)
Math Fair, 2015 (for elementary school students).