Dr. Paulo Flores

Dr. Paulo Flores is an Assistant Professor in Precision Agriculture at the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABEN) at North Dakota State University (NDSU). He holds a Ph.D. degree in Soil Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil, 2008). Since joining the ABEN department in 2019, he has developed three courses in the area of precision agriculture, and co-developed another course on the use the drones in precision ag.  Dr. Flores has over 10 years of experience working with GIS software, and since 2015 he has been applying some of that knowledge toward research to unmanned aerial systems (UASs) applications in agriculture.

One of his main research interests is the use of sensors mounted to UASs and other platforms for high throughput phenotyping (HTP), with a special focus on developing solutions (algorithms/scripts) to streamline the data analysis for field research plots. Another research topic of his interest is the integration of UAS imagery and commercial sprayers to implement site-specific weed control approaches, currently focusing on corn. Dr. Flores is also interested in the integration of UAS imagery and soil sensors (portable and networks) data to better understand variability across fields that are captured by UAS-mounted sensors. 

Teaching Responsibilities


You can find a list of my publication on my Google Scholar page on https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tj2ltQoAAAAJ&hl=en.