Assistive Technology Supports & Services

NDSEC is committed to providing educational supports for all learners to reach their potential. These supports are not earmarked for one particular group or area of need, but can help meet the needs of all learners. Through the use assistive technology supports, an engaging learning environment, supportive and knowledgeable staff, NDSEC aspires to enrich the learning experience in all our programs.

AT Staff:

Angela has been with NDSEC for over 20 years. She is a speech pathologist by trade receiving her master's degree from Syracuse University. She completed the certification for Assistive Technology Specialist through Northern Illinois University.
Angela recently became a Google Certified Educator Level 1.

Contact: aalbrigo@ndsec.org/630-894-0490

Supports & Services


  • Communication devices: implementation, programming and troubleshooting

  • Identifiction of iPad apps for communication, education, executive function, accessibility and sensory supports

  • iPad applications and Chrome book extensions & applications for reading and writing support

  • Partner Augmented Input Training: Supporting you child to become a more effect communicator

  • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

  • Core vocabulary to enhance communication and educational enrichment


  • AT evaluations for communication systems

  • AT evaluations for educational supports with mobile technology

  • SETT Process

  • Device loan process

  • Device acquisition

  • Device troublshooting

  • My Infinitec Website: Supports for All Learners

  • Establish student access to accessbile instructional materials through BookShare

  • Training on software and apps to enhance instruction and student performance


  • Work with teams to assess a student's needs for communication systems, reading and writing supports and access to computers and web based technology.

  • Acquiring equipment and programs for AT trials and long term use.

  • Provide staff training on the implementation and programming on communication systems and AT academic supports

  • Maintain, repair and replace AT devices

  • Laison to Infinitec AT Coalition

  • Staff and parent training