
Hola! My name is Yamileth Batz:
I am a native from Costa Rica, married to Carlos Batz, have two boys, Carlos (22) and Jonatan (18). I am very proud to teach my language and my culture to your child. I have been working in education for 26 years, this is my 9th school year at NDS. I went to Costa Rica University to become a Spanish teacher and also to the Baptist Costa Rican Institute to get a bachelor's degree in Theology. Being from another country, coming to the USA and learning English, have given me a better understanding of the process of teaching a foreign language. I take advantage of my personal experience in order to implement my teaching methods.
I understand that every child has different strengths and weaknesses in their learning process. Therefore I am committed to having differentiated instruction in my class with a variety of opportunities for my students’ to achieve their goals. Learning a language involves repetition, constant work, and memorization skills. I will request your support at home in order to reach our goal this year.
By the end of the school year, students are to know:
days of the week
months of the year
Middle School Students will be able to:
Give and request personal information, such as name, age, and nationality.
Learn regular verbs conjugation .
Learn verb To Be (SER, Estar) conjugation.
Use verbs ser and estar in sentences.
Writte a short paragraph in Spanish.
Read a story in Spanish and comprehend its meaning.
Describe themselves or others, giving information about their personality, family relationships, interests, and hobbies.
Students will have gained a deeper knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.
Students are expected to come to class with their note books, pencils and ready to have a great class.
In the Spanish class I have four important rules :
1. Be respectful. (Respeto)
2. Be responsible. (Responsabilidad)
3. Be helpful to each other. (Cooperacion)
4. Be honest. (Honestidad)