
As Instructor of Record, University of Notre Dame

Social and Moral Philosophy: This course surveys key issues in social and moral philosophy, with a particular focus on issues pertinent to marginalised groups. We will typically begin with an introduction to the general philosophical theories and then examine their implications for marginalised groups who may not straightforwardly fit within those theories, before finally considering how those theories may need to be adjusted to accommodate them. The topics we will cover include: 

Moral status: Why do we as persons matter morally? What is it to be a bearer of rights?

Wellbeing: What does wellbeing consist in? Is what is good for us wholly self-determined? Is disability in itself bad for its bearer

Care ethics: How should our moral theories adjust to accommodate the vulnerable and dependent?

Social Epistemology: What is it to take something on testimony? What should we make of testimony from a minority group that runs counter to general intuition? What is epistemic injustice?

Social Ontology: What is a social group? What is race? What is gender? What is a team?

As Teaching Assistant, University of Notre Dame

PHIL 10111: Introduction to Philosophy: God and the Good Life (Fall 2021)

PHIL 30301: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (Spring 2021) 

PHIL 30409: American Political Thought (Spring 2021) 

PHIL 10100: Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2020)

Additional Teaching Experience

Graduate Student Writing Tutor, Notre Dame (Spring 2020-Present): Provided academic writing assistance for Philosophy PhD students for whom English was not a first language. 

Tutor, Covid-19 Tutoring Support for Students (CTSS) (2020): Provided online tutoring to underprivileged students during the Covid-19 school closure period in Singapore.