Marian Consecration

“If you consider all the saints, you will see that all of them had a devotion to the Blessed Virgin; her intercession is most powerful, she is the Mother of God and the Mother of men.” -Saint André Bessette

Consecration means setting yourself aside for service to God. The Church has always advocated consecrating yourself to Jesus Christ through the Blessed Virgin Mary, the perfect model of discipleship.

Marian consecration is a formal act of self-giving that does not stop at Mary, but is Christ-directed. It is really consecration to Jesus. The MI’s mission is “To Lead Every Individual With Mary to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.”

Saint Louis De Montfort, in his classic text True Devotion to Mary, describes Marian consecration as the “quickest, easiest, and surest way” to holiness. Pope St. John Paul II recalls that reading De Montfort’s book was a turning point in his life that nourished his priestly vocation. He even chose the expression Totus tuus Maria (“totally yours, Mary”) as the motto of his pontificate. Saint Maximilian Kolbe founded the Militia of the Immaculata, which now has over 4 million members worldwide, to spread this devotion for the sanctification of the world.

By joining the MI, members become willing instruments of Our Lady, the woman foreshadowed in Genesis 3:15. She leads them to personal sanctification, the conversion of Church opponents and ultimately the universal reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.