

2023 PCMI Undergraduate Summer School

One of the most inspiring class norms for me is to adopt a nonjudgmental approach, both towards others and ourselves. ..... I gained more inspiration and learned familiar things from new angles. ..... I will carry these memories and the spirit of collaboration and sharing that I gained from this trip, and continue to strive with these lessons in mind.


2023 SLMath Summer Grauduate School

What impressed me the most was their willingness to share their research and life experiences. ..... the valuable insights gained from my peers' research and experiences, the opportunity to participate in discussions with like-minded classmates brought me great joy. ..... Overall, I found these interactions to be highly beneficial to my own understanding and learning process. .


2023 SLMath Summer Grauduate School

an intellectually stimulating and enriching experience. ..... my interactions with fellow participants have been intellectually enriching, fostering a global network of aspiring mathematicians with shared interests. Engaging in research discussions and learning about different cultures has enhanced my overall experience


2023 SLMath Summer Grauduate School

My favorite part of the summer school is the problem sessions. ..... I never thought I could be so brave. ..... I learned a lot and made many friends. I hope I can maintain bravery when speaking Mandarin and remain open to making mistakes and meeting new people. I believe this is how we learn, share ideas, and truly enjoy mathematics.


2023 SLMath Summer Grauduate School

summer school 的學生們齊心協力地解決了許多困難的問題,除此之外,我覺得最重要的收穫是體驗了其他國家學生的文化跟思考模式。..... 跟他們的討論,我發現雖然他們做這些事看起來比較緩慢,但很多時候比較細心地審視一些細節跟核心的問題,有時候我會因此從他們身上學到一些重要的想法,我想這是跟我在台灣學數學很不一樣的一點,我現在還無法判斷到底哪個價值與態度對於數學的學習才是比較好的 .....另外我觀察到一件很不一樣的事是那邊的學習與討論氛圍其實是相當正面的,比如說很常互相稱讚,因為一些小事開懷大笑.....我想我應該試著學習他們真誠的心還有鼓勵。


A. 2023 SLMath Summer Grauduate School

B. 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2022

我們不光是單純地學習知識,還得以充分體驗到了美式的文化與生活。..... 這是個非常難能可貴的交流機會。我們相互學習、相互啟發,並建立了許多珍貴的友誼。總的來說,這次的summer graduate school 為我提供了一個寶貴的學習機會..... 里程碑。我相信這次所學與所體驗的將對我未來的學習和研究產生深遠的影響。我期待著將來能繼續追求數學的深度和廣度,並將所學應用於更多實際的領域中。

 (C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences