Other Araceae

Wolfgang is part of a large family of plants called Araceae. Members of the Araceae family come is all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some can be found as houseplants, growing in forests, or in the backyard. To be classified in the Araceae family a plant needs to have leaves with parallel veins, usually a spadix with many small flowers, a spathe, endospermous seeds, and raphide crystals.

The JCRA grows about 70 different types of cold hardy Araceae, or aroids as they are commonly known, in the garden year-round including many hardy Amorphophallus.

Philodrendron sp.


Zantedschia sp.

Calla lily 

Arisaema triphyllum


Pothos sp.


Caladium sp.


Colocasia sp. and others

Elephant ear

Spathiphyllum sp.

Peace lily

Pisita stratiotes

Water lettuce