
This site collects performances of Shakespeare's plays and poems - as well as other related resources - for classroom use .  It is not comprehensive but aims to supplement whatever materials the instructor may already use.

This resource serves as a centralized hub for a wide range of performances, most of which are hosted on other sites.  It is designed to provide ease of access to specific scenes - either when teaching a particular play or when needing to reference something students haven't otherwise read or seen yet. 

New materials will be added periodically, starting with the most frequently taught plays and related topics. Interviews, videos on costuming and set design, and material on Shakespearean art and music will be given priority.

For those at NC State,  full productions may be found through 3 main databases in our library.  These are the Shakespeare's Globe on Screen, the National Theatre Collection, and the Stratford Festival.

This site was developed by Christopher Crosbie, Associate Professor of English, North Carolina State University, and was supported by generous funding and expert consultation from NC State's DELTA department.

Feedback can be given via my contact link above or here.