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Sweet-APPS News
YEAR 2022
Sweet-APPS Yielding Sweet Success
From deploying innovative sensors to creating productive relationships with stakeholders, the Sweetpotato Analytics for Produce Provenance and Scanning project has had a rewarding first two years.
Department Graduates First to Complete the Agricultural Data Science Certificate | Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Ph.D. graduate Tasmin Hossain, M.S. graduate Shelly Hunt and Ph.D. candidate Mariella Carbajal-Carrasco are the first students to complete the new Agricultural…
Daniela Jones: Enhancing NC State's Data-Driven, Climate-Smart Agriculture Talent Pool
NC State research assistant professor Daniela Jones is passionate about many things, including finding renewable energy solutions and creating a more diverse workforce for the bioscience and agriculture industries.
Cranos Williams Named Goodnight Distinguished Professor
NC State faculty member Cranos Williams was recently named a Goodnight Distinguished Professor in Agricultural Analytics by the College of Engineering and CALS.
YEAR 2021
Bridging the Big Data Divide
The new and innovative Ag Data Science Certificate course is training students to meet the high demand for data science expertise in agriculture.
Digging Deep into Interdisciplinary Agricultural Research | Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Laura Riddle A new cohort of Ph.D. candidates will begin their work on an interdisciplinary agricultural data science research endeavor this fall. The Sweet Fellows, aptly named for the sweet potato…
How SAS is saving the sweet potato
Have you ever thought of a sweet potato as ugly?
An Uncommon Thread
Shelly Hunt recently enrolled in the Ag Data Sciences Certificate program. So far, it's proving to be the perfect complement to her studies, her field research, and her career goals.
Student Finds Family and High-Flying Fulfillment in BAE | Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Laura Riddle Inspired by his grandfather, Manuel Arturo Pena, Enrique Pena Martinez always knew he wanted to study agriculture. As a young boy, he would visit his grandparents and spend hours watching…
Protecting Our State’s New Rural Cash Crop
The true profit potential of sweetpotatoes has been held back by an aggressive and invasive pest. NC State’s Craig Yencho will lead a $5 million grant-funded project to fight it.
Exploring New Avenues
Shana McDowell was using data science to fight COVID-19 and HIV. Now she’s fighting hunger and food waste as a Ph.D. student enrolled in the Ag Data Science certificate program.
YEAR 2020
Sweet Success With Sweetpotatoes
Sweetpotatoes are North Carolina's state vegetable, and they're not just for Thanksgiving anymore. Find out how North Carolina growers have positioned our state as the leader when it comes to production of this increasingly in-demand crop.
Big Data for Better Sweetpotatoes
An interdisciplinary team led by Cranos Williams is setting out on a three-year project to use artificial intelligence to make sweetpotatoes even more profitable. The team will image hundreds of thousands of sweetpotatoes to increase the percentage of sweetpotatoes grown that are USDA grade 1.
GRIP4PSI seed grant winners announced - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Two interdisciplinary research teams with significant ECE involvement have entered the next phase of the Game-Changing Research Incentive Program to tackle plant science challenges
Additional CALS News on Sweetpotatoes can be found
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