2021 rise

2021 PROGRAM [June 1 - July 30, 2021]

2021 RISE PROGRAM SCHEDULE (tentative)

[Unless otherwise stated, all events listed below will be conducted via zoom]

NOTE: The NCSU UG Research Office has a schedule of events for all summer research students; the most relevant ones are listed below, but feel free to enroll for their other events as you see fit.

  • (W) June 2 [1:15-2:00; zoom link] Introductions (Add to your calendar)

  • (W) June 2 [2:00-4:00, zoom link]: Library Skills for Researchers- Part One [Ms. Michelle Leonard, Ms. Kristy Borda; NCSU Libraries]. zoom recording (Access Code: ?96sy5Eh)

  • (W) June 9 [2:00-4:00, zoom link]: Library Skills for Researchers- Part Two [Ms. Michelle Leonard, Ms. Kristy Borda; NCSU Libraries] zoom recording (Access Password: A^W?L3Mz)

    • Topics

      • Address questions about searching/research homework

      • Tips for Reading/Organizing/Summarizing Literature

      • Engineering Ethics and Plagiarism

      • Citation Management

      • ORCiD

      • Assignment: (a) Register for an ORCiD. Take a screenshot (see item 3); (b) Download two articles relevant to your research interest and add to your Zotero library (or other citation manager) in a folder called RISE. Verify your citation information is all accurate. Read and create annotations for your two articles in your Zotero library; (c) Share a bibliography (Google doc) for your two citations in IEEE format and the screenshot of your ORCiD with us

  • (Th) June 10 [9:30-11:30]: Research Ethics Seminar [Dr. Chris Ashwell, Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research]

    • This is available in-person and via zoom.

    • zoom link will be sent to you via email when you enroll

  • (W) June 16 [9:30-11:00, zoom link]: Preparing a graduate fellowship application: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship [Dr. Doug Call, CCEE Department, NCSU] (Presentation Slides; NCSU Graduate School Resources) zoom recording (Access Password: 8kn#Szd1)

  • (Th) June 17 [9:30-12:30]: Funding Graduate School and NSF Fellowship Program [Ms. Courtney Hughes, Director of the University Fellowships Office and current NSF GRFP students]

    • Students will learn about applying for graduate school and the NSF Graduate Fellowship.

    • Students will be able to ask the panel questions.

    • This is available in-person and via zoom.

    • zoom link will be sent to you via email when you enroll

    • (W) June 23 [9:30-11:00, zoom link]: Writing a Research Abstract [Dr. Meagan Autry, CCEE Department, NCSU] (sample abstracts) zoom recording (Access Password: 2HQ!S382)

    • (Th) June 24 [9:30-11:30 or 1:00-3:00]: Research Symposium Registration Information, Poster Training Seminar [Dr. Chris Ashwell; NC State Office of Undergraduate Research]

    • Students learn how to construct a good poster, do’s and don’ts of good posters and what to expect at the Symposium.

    • Registration site for summer symposium opens at noon and step by step registration instructions will be provided during this session.

    • This is available in-person and via zoom.

      • zoom link will be sent to you via email when you enroll

    • (W) June 30 [9:00-12:00, zoom link]: Research Progress/Status Presentations [10 min per person: approximately 7 min oral presentation and 3 min Q&A/discussion; work with your mentors to develop/prepare for this presentation; please invite them to attend] (Add to your calendar)

    • Purpose is to present (a slide-presentation format) to each other your research; it should communicate the motivation for the research, your core research question(s), the approach/methodology, preliminary results so far and what they mean, expected results and outcome by the end of July, and how the results/outcome would help address your research questions.

    • Please UPLOAD your presentation file by 5 pm on June 29 into this shared folder; use a distinguishing name (at least include your last name at the start of the file name) and do not use generic names like "presentation" or "my presentation" or "slides". Please do not delete any files in this shared folder.

    • Presentation Order (alphabetical)

  • (W) July 7 [TBA]: Why pursue graduate studies, applying to Graduate Programs, and NCSU CCEE Graduate Program Information [Graduate Student Ambassadors, CCEE Department, NCSU] (Add to your calendar)

    • Hear from several current graduate students about their journey from undergraduate studies to graduate studies, their personal experiences, suggestions and pointers on why pursue graduate studies, what are key considerations, how to choose a program that is appropriate for your goals, how to prepare a competitive application, etc.

  • (W) July 14 [9:30-11:00, zoom link]: Poster Preparation and Presentation Skills [Dr. Meagan Autry, CCEE Department, NCSU]. zoom recording (Access Password: 1fgLS*2?)

  • (Th) July 16 [noon]: Submission Deadline--Research Symposium Registration and Abstract

    • (W) July 21 [9:00-12:00, FWH 3361, zoom link]: Final research poster presentation practice (Add to your calendar)

    • Hybrid event: those who want to meet and present in person, go to FWH 3361 (no need to wear a mask if vaccinated)

    • Each of you will display on the screen a digital version of your draft poster, and give a short presentation (no more than 3 minutes); then the audience (i.e., all of you and available mentors) will give feedback and suggestions; each person will have a total of approx. 8 minutes; please invite your mentors to attend.

      • Presentation Order (alphabetical)

      • Please UPLOAD your draft presentation file by 5 pm on July 20; use a distinguishing name (at least include your last name at the start of the file name) and do not use generic names like "poster" or "my poster". Please do not delete any files in this shared folder.

    • (W) July 28 [9:30-11:00, zoom link]: Why pursue graduate studies, applying to Graduate Programs, and NCSU CCEE Graduate Program Information [Graduate Student Ambassadors, CCEE Department, NCSU] (Add to your calendar)

      • Hear from several current graduate students about their journey from undergraduate studies to graduate studies, their personal experiences, suggestions and pointers on why pursue graduate studies, what are key considerations, how to choose a program that is appropriate for your goals, how to prepare a competitive application, etc.

    • (Th) July 29 [9:30-4:30]: Research Symposium [Hunt Library, Duke Energy Hall on Centennial Campus - In person and Zoom (recorded)] (Add to your calendar)

    • This is available in-person and via zoom.

    • zoom link will be sent to you via email when you enroll

2021 RISE/REU Participant List