Dispatch from Quarantine is a zine collecting your quarantine musings through audio, video, drawing and writing. It is intended to help create a shared record of a strange time, and to serve as a creative outlet. It is also an opportunity to connect remotely in the unique ways that art has always allowed us to do.


Your submissions will be collected and formatted (but not edited) and will be publicly viewable. The zine will culminate in a release party hosted by the Libraries on Zoom, where all who submitted will be invited to share their work.


RELEASE PARTY: May 15th @ 7pm

Join us at go.ncsu.edu/hub for an online gallery viewing. We will be in a virtual reality space together!

The celebration for the Quaranzine will take place in a virtual gallery, featuring the works in the zine, rendered in 3D. You don't need any special equipment or previous knowledge of such spaces to attend--all are welcome! The space can be entered on a phone, tablet, desktop, or laptop. The Quaranzine will be published at the same time, and we encourage you to use it as a way to navigate the gallery. There you will find names of the contributors alongside their artwork, and any notes they chose to share.

Feel free to move about the room as long as you would like. We will be there from 7-8pm. Questions can be directed to Amanda Dahill-Moore, Cas Saroza, and Colin Keenan. Feel free to email Colin at cpkeena2@ncsu.edu if you are having trouble launching.

There will be directions for navigating the space once you arrive, but we have a few tips:

-You can change your name and avatar once you have entered the room by dropping down the "hamburger" menu icon on the left of the screen. We encourage all participants to use their name so that people can recognize you and say hi!

-There is a camera icon on the top menu bar which allows you to create a live video where others will be able to see your face, if you would like to use that function

-Check nearby the camera to see how. you can take a selfie in this virtual world, maybe beside your own artwork!

-Holding the W key on your mouse or keyboard allows you to move forward and seems the easiest and most versatile key to navigate with

-(S moves you backwards if you get stuck against a wall)

Thanks to all who have contributed, and to all who plan to attend! We look forward to seeing you soon.

QUESTIONS? Email akdahill@ncsu.edu or cmsaroza@ncsu.edu

View on the Libraries website
