State of Sound: Podcast HQ is a resource for the members of the NC State community, who are potential or active podcast producers, to create better podcasts and distribute their work widely in a way that best suits their needs.


Have questions? CONTACT US to see all of the ways you can get in touch with us, submit your podcast for distribution to major listening platforms, and request one on one consultations.


Check out our EVENTS page to see our upcoming workshops about podcast ideation, production, and editing, and find out how to become involved with our podcast, The Sound of State.


Need help getting started? We've put together a ton of RESOURCES to help. We offer asynchronous workshops, a collection of tutorial videos through LinkedIn Learning, and one-on-one podcast and audio production consultations. If you have an active podcast, we offer distribution services as well!


Check out our FEATURED PODCASTS! Here you can find podcasts from all over NC State's campus.