NCDFUTIL: Marine, earth, and atmospheric modeling tools on Henry2 at NC State

Contact: Lisa L. Lowe,

Marine, earth, and atmospheric modeling tools

1) Join the Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Modeling Tools Google Group.
Please join the Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Modeling Tools Google Group. The group consists of NC State faculty, staff, and students who are using MEAM software. The Google Group is used as a forum for answering questions on these software packages, and the Group has a Shared Drive for collective creation and sharing of documentation.

2) Request access to ncdfutil software group

To access these applications, send an email to HPC requesting access to the software group 'ncdfutil'. Access will be enabled at 6:30 p.m. from when the request is acknowledged in ServiceNow.

Request access to ncdfutil

3) Set the compute environment to easily find and access ncdfutil software
Put the following commands in your login files (.tcsh or .bashrc). Be careful not to modify anything else in the files, such as conda settings. This is required for some modules to work correctly, specifically UFS, as the full paths are not included in the main module.

module use --append /usr/local/usrapps/ncdfutil/modulefiles

After modifying the login files, log out and back in again.

4) Check which software are currently available

New modules may be added at any time. To see what is currently available, do:

module avail

5) Use the software

The ncdfutil modules work in the same way the system modules work. To load a package, do

module load [package]