NCDFUTIL: Marine, earth, and atmospheric modeling tools on Henry2* at NC State

*These instructions have not been tested on Hazel.

Contact: Lisa L. Lowe,

Welcome to the NCSU Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Modeling Tools Group.

Invite others to join the group's Google group found here:


This software group was created in an attempt to make the task of running large scientific codes less arduous by gathering complicated software stacks required by applications and make them available as modules, as opposed to each research group attempting to install from scratch.

All of the current available software was installed by Lisa. The purpose of creating this HPC Software affinity group is to facilitate students, faculty, and staff with domain expertise to collaborate with others on additional installs and also for collaboration and documentation of use of the software on HPC.

Note from Lisa: With the knowledge that different versions of each application may require different compilers and different versions of each component of the stack, I will not be able to provide modules for every application. Please contact me with instructions for any stacks your group had to manually install if they might be useful to other groups. Due to the time required, I cannot figure out and install all of the stacks myself, and I do not have the domain knowledge to test all of them, but if you send instructions that I can easily replicate, I can replicate them in the ncdfutil space to make them available to others.

Current list of applications

  • NetCDF utilities, a Conda environment with various applications for analyzing NetCDF output, includes: CDO, GEOS, NCO, NCL, Ncview, xarray, PseudoNetCDF, PyNGL, PyNIO, nccmp,Cartopy, MetPy, MONET.

  • Geophysical numerical modeling and analysis, Applications for numerical modeling and analysis, includes: MET.

  • CMAQ dependencies, Intel 2018 based software stacks for compiling CMAQ. Does not include CMAQ itself, includes a sample configure script and LSF script tested with CMAQ 5.3.2 Benchmark, includes NetCDF, I/O API.

  • UFS dependencies, Intel 2018 based software stack for compiling Unified Forecasting System. Does not include UFS itself, tested with simple-test-case., includes NCEP and NCEP-external libs, including NetCDF, JasPer, JPEG, PNG, Wgrib2.

  • WRF dependencies, Intel 2017 based software stack for compiling WRF. Does not include WRF itself, tested with WRF 4.2.2 using compile option 15, includes HDF5, Perl5, NetCDF, JasPer, GRIB2.

  • Visualization tools including ncl, panoply, VisIt.