4-HOnline Resources

Resources for Extension professionals who work with youth

This site contains 4-HOnline resources, tip sheets, and video tutorials. The site will be continuously updated, so please check back often for new material. 

Dr. Mitzi Downing is the 4-HOnline Institutional Manager & Extension Youth Safety Compliance Coordinator / Mitzi_Downing@ncsu.edu 

4-HOnline & Youth Safety Compliance (YSC) Resources for Extension Professionals 

REG: 01.25.18 - Impacts all university youth outreach efforts, including Extension Youth Programs at the county, district, state, and national levels.   

So how does it impact you: Extension employees whose job responsibilities include direct work with youth and/or employees who could, as a result of their position, have care, custody, and control of minors are required to have an "Approved" Youth Safety Compliance Profile in 4-HOnline. The university system refers to these employees as "Covered Individuals."

4-HOnline Enrollment / Re-Enrollment is January 9 - 31, 2023

4-HOnline Resources for 4-H Professionals 

4-HOnline "Events" Resources 

Year-End Resources 

Customizable letter for 4-H families and volunteers about the annual 4-HOnline re-enrollment process and rollover procedures. The document includes links to resources that the member/family may need. Cited resources are listed below in the next section.

Annual Enrollment / Re-Enrollment Resources (Rollover)

Group Enrollment Resources

Guide for how to enter Group Enrollment data. 

Registering Extension Youth Programs / EVENT Management Resources

What Programs Require Registration


REG 01.25.18 requires university-level registration and approval of all programs, events, and activities in which Extension (NC State and NCA&T State) employees, specialists, and/or Extension volunteers will have care, custody, and/or control of minors in either Face-to-Face or Virtual environment based on registration and/or enrollment process. This regulation covers Extension programs at the county, district, state, and national levels.


Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs): General SPOs & 4-H Online SOPs

Profile Approval Resources

Event Management Resources 

4-HOnline 2.0 Video Tutorials for 4-H Professional's 

Approving Volunteer Enrollments

Approving Youth Enrollments

*Note: Zoom Videos connect to a redirect link which opens a new window. 


Incomplete Enrollments: What to do

Check Back Soon!

*Note: Youtube Videos connect to a redirect link which opens a new window. 

Youth Safety Compliance Video 

Agents who wish to host YSC sessions as part of their local volunteer training can use this video format (YouTube). Once a YSC session is completed at the local level, please submit the roster and screening date to Dr. Mitzi Downing via email (mitzi_downing@ncsu.edu) and the attendee's profiles will be marked as "completed." 

Program Planning Resource

Customizable Word document template that can be used to plan your annual program.

Member Resources: Resources that can be shared with members.

Frequently Asked Questions: 


Selected 4-HOnline 2.0 District Training Sessions - Initial Program Set-up

Additional Resources

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University commit themselves to positive action to secure equal opportunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, genetic information, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sexual identity (including pregnancy), and veteran status. NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.