Official Rules and Regulations

General Rules & Conduct

Convention Floor



If You Need Help

If you spot someone violating these rules, or fall victim to someone in violation of these rules, whether that be through harassment, inappropriate conduct, or anything that is making you uncomfortable at the convention - do not hesitate to reach out to an officer of the NCSU Cosplay & Costuming Club.


Enforcement and Discretion

NC State Cosplay & Costuming Club Mini-Con 2024 officers will have the authority to uphold these rules as they see fit and will be the ultimate deciding factor in any decision made regarding the convention’s management & safety. Officers reserve the right to amend these rules and enforce consequences as they see fit. Violation of any rule will result in at a minimum a verbal warning, but if issues continue to escalate or if a violation poses a considerable threat to the safety or well-being of any attendee, volunteer, or officer on the premises (or Talley Student Union in general), NC State University’s Police Department may be contacted and offenders may be asked to leave without refund.

Consent to Photo and Video

NC State Cosplay & Costuming Club Mini-Con 2024 attendees may be photographed or filmed at any time at the convention. By purchasing admission to the Mini-Con, all attendees consent to be recorded (by audio, visual and/or other means) for exhibition and exploitation by any means in all media now known or hereafter devised worldwide in perpetuity. Uses of this content may be through social media, promotional videos, or future Mini-Con promotion. 

If you find yourself appearing in any content in a way you do not find yourself to be comfortable with or in any way you wish to be removed, please contact the NC State Cosplay & Costuming Club through one of the listed options above.


Volunteers will assist club officers and other staff throughout the day of the Mini-Con with various tasks. These may include traffic control, general observation of rooms, badge-checking, running the admissions desk, etc. These tasks will be extrapolated in future volunteer emails and meetings to ensure all volunteers are on the same page. However, they will not be taxing, nor require an unnecessary amount of effort.

Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering Requirement(s)

Shifts can be broken up however the volunteer wishes. Ex: Volunteer for one hour, take a break, volunteer for two more hours, etc.

Tardiness Policy

If you, as a volunteer, are more than 30 minutes late to your assigned shift without clearly communicating with a club officer on the day of the Mini-Con, you will lose the benefit of free admission and will be asked to pay for your ticket.

Volunteering Locations


Panel Schedule may change based on how many panel applications are received. There will be a break between each throughout the day of the Mini-Con.

Artist Alley / Vendor Floor

Themed Cafe Information

The Mini-Con Cafe has a $2 entrance fee. This fee will cover free hot tea. You will receive a sticker on your NCSU C&CC Mini-Con Badge once you have paid the $2 fee to allow reentrance. There is no reentrance limit. There will be discounted rates for people entering the cafe in groups of 2 or more.

Themed Cafe Rules