Welcome and Bio

Jennifer Capps

Assistant Vice Provost

NC State Innovation & Entrepreneurship


Note to students: I have worked with entrepreneurial organizations for over 20 years and have been involved with entrepreneurship education since 2001. In my years of teaching and mentoring entrepreneurship students at NC State, I am constantly impressed by the creativity, passion and commitment shown by our Wolfpack students! I am happy to help you in any way that I can. As a 3 time graduate of NC State, I am committed to helping NC State continue it’s legacy of Think and Do for decades to come!

Note to faculty and entrepreneurship programs: I am happy to share my resources and experience in building entrepreneurship programs and I always love to hear about the programs that you are building. Please reach out to me any time with questions, feedback and ideas to share! I am especially strong in the areas of interdisciplinary entrepreneurship, general education in entrepreneurship, cross campus entrepreneurship programs, and inter-program collaborations.

Link to Bio

Link to article "Meet Jennifer Capps, New Interim Assistant Vice Provost for NC State Entrepreneurship"

Link to TEDxNCState Talk

Link to Personal Introduction Slides shown to students on first day of classes

Link to my version of celebrities reading mean tweets "Teacher sharing interesting student feedback"

**I use this to give students a realistic overview of what to expect in class and to remind them that I am human. Students have LOVED this!

Link to CV