Joint INT - WICED Workshop

AIIDE 2018

Please find the published proceedings here:

Final papers are available and linked from the Program page!

Cite as :

H. Wu, M. Si, A. Jhala (eds.): Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies and Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, Edmonton, Canada, 11-2018, published at

Submission site : (Special track INTWICED)

We are glad to announce the joint workshop of Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT) and the Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing (WICED), collocated with the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE).


The Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT) workshop represents the 11th iteration of a series of gatherings dedicated to advancing research in artificial intelligence for the computational understanding and expression of narrative. Our goal is to contribute to this forward momentum by congregating a multidisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners to share their latest work at the intersection of narrative and technology.

Previous editions of INT have been celebrated in conjunction with premium conferences on AI and entertainment, games and arts, such as ICIDS, ELO, FDG and AIIDE.

Previous meetings have brought together computer scientists, psychologists, narrative theorists, media theorists, artists, writers, and members of the interactive entertainment industry. From this broad expertise, the workshop focuses on computational systems to represent, reason about, create, adapt, and perform interactive and non-interactive narrative experiences. This also includes fundamental research in relevant fields such as natural language processing, believable virtual characters, commonsense reasoning, computer vision, computational media, and human storytelling.


The intelligent analysis and computation of cinematic elements including placement of virtual cameras, transitions between shots and lighting, shows great promise to extend the communicative power of the film arts into the artificial environments of games and virtual worlds. When paired with emerging depth-sensing cameras and computer vision algorithms, intelligent cinematography algorithms increasingly find applications in real-world cinematography as well.

This workshop intends to bring together leading researchers from fields including 3D graphics, artificial intelligence, computer vision, visualization, interactive narrative, cognitive and perceptual psychology, computational linguistics, computational aesthetics, visual effects, augmented reality, virtual reality and others related to aspects of automatic camera control and film editing.

This workshop has been previously associated with AAAI, Eurographics, and FDG. The 7th installment will be associated for the first time with AIIDE, and this is an opportunity to strengthen the connection between intelligent cinematography and Entertainment AI technologies on topics that include interactive and automated camera control, visualization, visibility computation, and visual storytelling.