Summit Details and Agenda


detailed agenda

Dr. Garey Fox


NCSU College of Ag and Life Sciences

Meet our new leaders! 

Dr. Kate Meurs


NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine

Sustainability from Farm to Plate

Stewart Leeth
Smithfield Foods, Inc.

Dr. Casey Owens

Novus International Professor of Poultry Science

University of Arkansas 

Dr. Stephen Williams

Butterball, Inc. 

Animal Health, One Health

Dr. Paula Cray

NCSU- College of Vet Med

Dr. Paul Morley

VERO, Texas A&M 

Dr. Gustavo Machado

NCSU College of Vet Med

Animal health and nutrition consortium

peter ferket

Professor and Director, AHNC

Prestage Department of Poultry Science

Research updates and poster sessions

Hear faculty and grad student presentations of recently funded AHNC projects.