Community Outreach Events

Attend a FACES Training Now! 

 A 5-Week Training is Happening in June in Raleigh!

Comprehensive FACES Training

docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfryg2rINHK9e1eiB3-vaze9OHYA5GqrMvtr938BcwDua02Mg/viewform The comprehensive FACES program is a 5 week training designed to improve knowledge, advocacy, and empowerment among underrepresented parents of children with autism. Participants receive training and resources on special education laws and procedures, strategies for managing behavior, strategies to support effective communication, and coaching on how to increase autism knowledge and awareness among family and community members. Because these trainings are based in the community, participants have an opportunity to build relationships with other parents and children who have shared experiences.

Our next FACES training will begin June 2024!

Please click here if you are interested in attending this FACES Training!

Meeting FACES

Meeting FACES is a series of community-based workshops designed to connect families with providers in their communities. The goal of Meeting FACES workshops is to share knowledge, information, and resources about autism services that are available in participants’ communities. Our next Meeting FACES event will be scheduled soon. Because these are community-based events, we would love to partner with providers and parents who are connected to co-host these events. If you are interested in co-hosting a Meeting FACES event in your community, please click here.

FACES provides FREE childcare at most of our extended workshops!