Erin M. Schliep
Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University. I have research interests in Bayesian statistics as well as multivariate and spatiotemporal statistics. My work is motivated by problems in environmental science, ecology, and sports.
I am also a Research Associate at Duke University.
Outside of work, I enjoy running, biking, hiking, and playing golf with family and friends.
5216 SAS Hall
Raleigh, NC 27511
(919) 513-7675
emschliep [at] ncsu [dot] edu
Current Events
December 2024: Dongjae Son recieved the 2025 ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award for his paper "Spatial causal inference in the presence of preferential sampling to study the impacts of marine protected areas."
November 2024: New preprint, led by Bok Kang! "Joint Spatiotemporal Modeling of Zooplankton and Whale Abundance in a Dynamic Marine Environment."
October 2024: New publication! "Assessing Marine Mammal Abundance: A Novel Data Fusion" published in Annals of Applied Statistics.
October 2024: New preprint, led by Dongjae Son! "Spatial causal inference in the presence of preferential sampling to study the impacts of marine protected areas"
July 2024: New funding! NSF Research Training Grant: Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification for Life Sciences.
June 2024: New publication, led by Chris Custer at Penn State! "Prediction responses to climate change using joint species, spatial dependent physiologically guided abundance model" published in Ecology.
April 2024: New preprint, led by Bok Kang! "Analyzing whale calling through Hawkes process modeling"
November 2023: New publication, led by Joshua North! "Accounting for Spatio-Temporal Sampling Variation in Joint Species Distribution Models" published in Journal of Applied Ecology.
October 2023: AWARD! Publication led by Joshua North titled "A Bayesian Approach for Data-Driven Dynamic Equation Discovery" awarded Honorable Mention for Best Paper published in Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Ecological Statistics in 2022.
October 2023: New publication, led by Joshua North! "A Bayesian Approach for Spatio-Temporal Data-Driven Dynamic Equation Discovery", to appear in Bayesian Analysis. Pre-print available on arxiv.
September 2023: New postdoctoral fellow, Bokgyeong Kang!
September 2023: New publication! "Correcting for informative sampling in spatial covariance estimation and kriging predictions", published in the Journal of Geographical Systems.
September 2023: New publication, led by Joshua North! "A Review of Data-Driven Discovery for Dynamic Systems", published in International Statistics Review.
June 2023: Awarded funding from the Office of Naval Research for the project titled "Process based data fusion for Marine mammal science."
April 2023: Press release pertaining to my work with Ty Wagner (Penn State) and Gretchen Hansen (Univ. of MN) -- "Predicting climate change impacts on poikilotherms using physiologically guided species abundance models"