
Working Papers (authors listed in alphabetical order)

Intervention in Networks: Evaluating Positive Youth Development Programs in the U.S., work in progress. - Job Market Paper

Abstract: Tobacco consumption is a major global health issue, and prevention programs are key to reducing its use. The Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach is increasingly used in these programs due to its effectiveness in decreasing risky behaviors among youth. Recognized by the CDC as a key strategy, it comes highly recommended for implementation in schools. However, existing studies frequently noted that PYD program participants tend to have parents with higher levels of education and income compared to the national population. This participation disparity motivates an analysis of treatment effect heterogeneity. My research develops a generalized Roy model that links participation decisions to their corresponding outcomes within a network game framework. The results from my models suggest that PYD programs have heterogeneous effects based on both observed characteristics and unobserved preferences. My finding implies that the PYD program as a strategy to reduce risky behavior will be more effective when accompanied by targeted efforts to engage students who are less likely to participate. The estimation framework developed in this paper offers a new methodology for estimating marginal treatment effects in scenarios where treatment choices and outcomes are influenced by peer effects. This approach addresses selection bias in PYD literature and incorporates peer effect insights, crucial for interpreting existing evidence and assessing PYD programs' efficacy. 

School Assignment with Endogenous Capacity, under review.

with Thayer Morrill

Which Older Adults Respond to SNAP Benefit Expansions, work in progress.

with Melissa McInerney and Melinda Morrill

Published and Forthcoming Articles (authors listed in alphabetical order)

Health and Retirement: Heterogeneity in the Responsiveness to Pension Incentives, accepted Economics Letters, March 24, 2024.

De Fen Hsu, Melinda Morrill, and Aditi Pathak

Article in Press

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