Workshop Schedule

Tentative Schedule of Activities

The CSEDM proceedings are now published in CEUR:

** Schedule subject to change **

July 10th, 2020 (Friday), 9:00-13:00 UTC-4 (US-East)

Venue: Virtual Conference (link will be provided)

09:00 - 09:20 Introductions and logistics

09:20 - 09:45 SPLICE announcements and call for Mini-grants

09:45 - 10:30 Full Presentation of Research Papers (10 minutes presentation + 4 minutes Q&A)

                • Data-Driven Approaches for Exploring the Effects of Teacher Instruction on Student Programming Behaviors. Nicholas Lytle, Veronica Catete, Yihuan Dong, Mehak Maniktala, Danielle Boulden, Eric Wiebe and Tiffany Barnes (Paper)

                • A Longitudinal Study on Student Persistence in Programming Self-assessments. Cheng Yu Chung, Yancy Vance Paredes, Mohammed Alzaid, Kushal Reddy Papakannu and Sharon Hsiao (Paper)

                • The Impact of Data-driven Positive Programming Feedback: When it Helps, What Happens when it Goes Wrong, and How Students Respond. Preya Shabrina, Samiha Marwan, Min Chi, Thomas W. Price and Tiffany Barnes (Paper)

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break and Discussion

10:45- 11:15 Short Presentation Session I (virtual poster session)

                • The Relationship Between Course Scheduling and Student Performance. Seth Poulsen, Carolyn J Anderson and Matthew West (Paper|Video)

                • A Data-Driven Approach to Automatically Assessing Concept-Level CS Competencies Based on Student Programs. Bita Akram, Hamoon Azizolsoltani, Wookhee Min, Eric Wiebe, Anam Navied, Bradford Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer and James Lester (Paper|Video)

                • Immediate Data-Driven Positive Feedback Increases Engagement on Programming Homework for Novices. Samiha Marwan, Thomas Price, Min Chi and Tiffany Barnes (Paper|Video)

                • Evaluating an Instrumented Python CS1 Course. Austin Bart, Teomara Rutherford and James Skripchuk (Paper|Video)

                • Designing an Intelligent Tutoring System Across Multiple Classes. Laura O. Moraes and Carlos Eduardo Pedreira (Paper|Video)

                • Comparing Feature Engineering Approaches to Predict Complex Programming Behaviors. Wengran Wang, Yudong Rao, Yang Shi, Alexandra Milliken, Chris Martens, Tiffany Barnes and Thomas Price (Paper|Video)

11:15 - 11:45 Short Presentation Session II (virtual poster session)

                • Semantic Textual Similarity of Course Materials at a Distance-Learning University. Niels Seidel, Moritz Rieger and Tobias Walle (Paper|Video)

                • Evaluations as Research Tools: Gender Differences in Academic Self-Perception and Care Work in Undergraduate Course Reviews. David Lang, Youjie Chen, Andreas Paepcke and Mitchell L. Stevens (Paper|Video)

                • Incorporating REDCap for Data Collection of K-12 CS Education Research. Monica McGill (Paper|Video)

                • Improving Short and Long-term Learning in an Online Homework System. Ben Prystawski, Jacob Nogas, Andrew Petersen and Joseph Williams (Paper|Video)

                • Analyzing Parsons Puzzle Solutions using Modified Levenshtein's Algorithm. Salil Maharjan and Amruth Kumar (Paper|Video)

11:45 - 12:00 Coffee Break and Discussion

12:00 - 13:00 Data Challenge and final discussion