Frequently Asked Questions...

1. Can I access Bloomberg on my office computer or in a classroom?

UPDATE: YES, temporarily while we are operating in Disaster recovery mode. See main page for details.

Unfortunately no. Bloomberg licenses are associated with the hardware that the software is installed on. To move a license to another machine, we need to contact Bloomberg and let the know. You can only access Bloomberg via the designated terminals.

2. Can I extract data from the terminal?

Yes, sort of. You cannot automatically download large time series data sets, but you can extract some screens either via screenshot or by exporting to excel. Bloomberg is more of a real time tool, than a source for large amounts of historical data. That said, there are long time series in Bloomberg.

3. Can I integrate Bloomberg data into a spreadsheet?

Yes - there is an add-on for excel that allows excel to import data items into a spreadsheet. However, this add-on will only work when excel is running on a machine with a Bloomberg license. On any other machine, the imported data fields will appear blank.

4. Can I reserve the lab in the library for a student group or class?

Yes - contact Shaun Bennet.

5. Where is the terminal in Nelson Hall?

Ask Richard Warr. Note this terminal is for PCOM faculty only.

6. What training is available on Bloomberg?

  • Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) is an 8 hour (or so) self guided training on the terminal. Completion results in a certificate. This is great for a resume.

  • We can also arrange custom training from the Bloomberg rep.

7. What are some examples of things you can find in Bloomberg?

Apart from data on pretty much every financial security in existence, you can also find very specific industry information:

A couple of examples:

  • Current prices of all the materials and components that go into turbine construction.

  • Location of every ocean going bulk carrier in real time world wide.

8. The library lab is quite small. Is this the permanent location?

No, we're exploring the potential of a larger lab in Hill library after the major renovations are concluded.

9. What student groups are using Bloomberg?

The Investors' Association is very active with Bloomberg. Check out their website: https://www.ia-ncsu.com/

10. How are people using Bloomberg in the classroom?

See the list of syllabi provided by Bloomberg on the main page.