Judges for each region will be selected from ASCE's network of industry experts, technical experts, entrepreneurs, investors, futurists and others who will evaluate the submissions at three different times. 40/40/20

All three judging stages will use the scoring criteria mentioned here ... Innovation 40%, Value to Customer 30% and Feasibility 30%.

  1. Pre-Conference Application (40% of finals score)
    • Approximately three or four weeks before the regional conference our judges will review, score and comment on the online application (5-page summary).
    • You will get the scores and comments back 10-14 days prior to the conference where you can incorporate this feedback into your posters and presentation.
  2. Poster Pitch (40% of final score)
    • Judges will be looking to see how well you addressed the scores and comments from the application.
    • Emphasize points that may not have been emphasized well, address areas where you were challenged by the judges, etc.
  3. Investor Due Diligence Meeting (20% of final score)
    • Undoubtedly there will be things you wish you had done a better job on at the poster pitch, which can be cleaned up with the shark discussions.
    • Judges will be looking to see how well you know the problem you are solving, how well you solve it, the market you are serving and how you are going to get it out there. Sharks may ask you if you considered X strategy, Y partnership, or Z market sector.