
Keynote: Access for People with Disabilities to Online Programs and Resources

9:00-9:45 a.m.

Presenter: Judy Risch

Judy is the Co-Lead for the National Digital Access Team with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights.

Basic Accessibility Fundamentals

10:00-10:45 a.m.

Presenter: Khaleel Eksheir

This presentation provides basic accessibility concepts. It will introduce you to terminologies commonly used in the Accessibility world such as accessibility, accommodation, and Universal Design. The presentation will also talk briefly about Legal requirements and WCAG 2.0 AA. Through this presentation, you will learn how users with disabilities perceive information, what tools and assistive technology they use, and how to best prepare accessible and inclusive electronic content.

Khaleel's slides (PDF)

Recording of Khaleel's presentation (Youtube)

Multimedia Accessibility

11:00-11:45 a.m.

Presenter: Rebecca Sitton

This session will highlight the basics of multimedia accessibility, including accessible players, captions, transcripts, and auditory descriptions for many multimedia elements such as podcasts, video journals, live conferencing software, and video production.

Attendees will leave this session with a multimedia accessibility checklist and increased knowledge of readily available resources to help them produce accessible multimedia content.

Rebecca's slides (PowerPoint)

Rebecca's handout (Word doc)

Recording of Rebecca's presentation (Youtube)

Accessible Documents

1:00-1:45 p.m.

Presenter: Matt Sauthoff and Heather Backus

Documents designed and structured with accessibility in mind allow for effective use by people with disabilities. Ensure access to your documents by applying several accessibility fundamentals. Learn how using headings and styles, checking colors and contrast, and adding captions and alt text can improve the accessibility of your materials. Ensure access to your documents by applying several accessibility fundamentals. Learn how using headings and styles, checking colors and contrast, and adding captions and alt text can improve the accessibility of your materials.

Matt and Heather's slides (PowerPoint)

Matt and Heather's handout (Word doc)

Recording of Matt and Heather's presentation (Youtube)

Accessible Instructional Materials

2:00-2:45 p.m.

Presenter: Darrin Evans

The Low Hanging Fruit of Accessibility: In this presentation we will go over 5 universal accessibility concepts that are easy to implement. These 5 concepts apply to all digital content and all digital platforms.

Darrin's slides (PowerPoint)

Recording of Darrin's presentation (Youtube)

Web Accessibility: Intro to WCAG

3:00-3:45 p.m.

Presenter: Melanie Eley

This session will provide a basic overview of web accessibility and will apply a practical approach to understanding WCAG 2.1. Participants will learn the meaning of WCAG and its significance to web accessibility, and will also learn about specific accessibility techniques that meet some of the most critical WCAG standards that provide access to online content for people with disabilities.

Melanie's slides (Google slides)

Recording of Melanie's presentation (Youtube)

NOTE: All sessions are 45 minutes long including time for questions. All times are in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).