Additional Resources

Interactive Tools

  • Quizizz and Kahoot -- Here’s a great blog post explaining how the two differ and use cases.
  • Poll Everywhere -- An interactive polling software that can be integrated into live presentations. Here’s a blog post discussing how it can be used to gamify learning.
  • Padlet -- a virtual corkboard where students and instructors can share ideas and see contributions in real time. Here’s a great blog post that provides ideas for how Padlet might be used for learning.

ClassroomScreen -- Website that has a random name generator (for calling on students), an onscreen timer, qr-code generator, and other useful tools for synchronous teaching.

Recommended Equipment List for Teaching Over Zoom


Basko, Lynn and Hartman, Jillian (2017). Increasing Student Engagement Through Paired Technologies. Journal of Instructional Research 6:2017.

Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research (2019). Engaging Your Learner with Video in the Classroom: Zoom Best Practices and Tips.

Lim, Janine, and Roxanne Glaser. "Fending Off the Webinar Woes: Designing for Interest and Interactivity." NDLW Distance Learning Week, 2017, Online webinar. Notes Taken by Candice Chambers, attendee.

Martin, Norvan (2017). 7 Creative Ways to Make Your Next Webinar Engaging & Memorable. Maestro Conference blog.

Principles on Learning (2019). D-David Ausubel.

Quinn, Laura (2015). Tips and Techniques for Making Good Webinars: Engaging Your Audience. TechImpact Idealware.