Accelerated Reader

What is Accelerated Reader (AR)?

AR is a computer program (for NCS students in grades 1-6) that helps teachers and librarians manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. The child picks a book at his/her own level and reads it at his/her own pace. When finished, the student takes a short quiz on the computer. Students may take AR quizzes at home and school on Chromebooks during regular school hours.

What are points?

Most every book in our library has an AR Reading Practice Quiz with an assigned point value. AR points are computed on the difficulty of the book (reading level) and the length of the book (number of words). At the end of each grading period, I run an AR report to see how many points each student earned for that nine-week period. Then, we have an AR Celebration during the library time where prizes are awarded based on the number of points earned. Those students earning 100 points become a part of the Lunch Bunch and are treated to lunch by the principal. Many students are striving to become Principal for the Day when they reach 1,000 points!


Remote learning students can take AR tests from home during normal school hours. Chromebooks have a drop-down menu from which Accelerated Reader may be selected, and students can login from there.

If there is difficulty with the Chromebook, try using this link:


First name initial, last name (with some exceptions)

(John Smith’s login is jsmith)


First name initial, last name initial, grad year

(John Smith is a 6th grader, so his password is js2027)


Our students have access to every AR quiz available. This means students can read books from our school library, the public library, home libraries – basically, a book that you obtained from anywhere. To determine a book's reading level, interest level and point value, use AR Book Finder.

To see if the book you're reading is an AR book with reading levels and points, LEFT click on the link below and enter the title in the site's search window.