North Crawford's

Aerospace Jam

Our latest video update! 4/4/2022!

Sunday 12/5/2021 Rivyn worked on the website, Sarah developed the MIT App Inventor Bluetooth code that receives data from the moisture sensor!! This was a breakthrough as we have been working on this for 2 weeks.

10/24/21 We had our third meeting tonight. Only half our members were able to attend. We explored the NASA Artemis website while eating pizza from the Gays Mills Marketplace and apple cider from Sunrise Orchard. Delicious! We have many questions about drones on the moon and where we are headed.

Sunday, October 31 We worked on our code and took a goofy picture with our rubber ducks!

Monday, November 1 We worked on connecting Bluetooth to our program.

Tuesday, November 23 Working on getting our blink code to work.

Getting our servo to work with the Arduino Nano

Go visit our You Tube Channel At NC Aerospace Jam!

Go watch our videos and join us on our journey as we code or way to space!