Super Bowl Ads (World Language)

Purpose: Rebrand a country (that speaks target language) to improve its global status

The Process:

  1. Start with a notable, memorable re-branding campaign:
    • Who is the audience?
    • What behavior is the ad trying to prompt? (What do they want the viewer to do?)
    • What attitude are they trying to change or create? (What do they want the viewer to believe?)
    • What do they want the viewer to repeat to other people? (tag line)
    • What is the overall message?
    • What attitude is being changed or created? (What do they want the viewer to believe?)
    • Who is the spokesperson? What impact does he have on the message? Does the ad work even if the viewer doesn't recognize the spokesperson? Explain.
    • How does the soundtrack work? How does it work with the spokesperson?

2. Consider your content

    • What is current perception of the country you are studying? Why?
    • What about your country do people with this perception not know?
    • Who represents your country positively?
    • What new message do you want to convey? Does it work in your target language and English?
    • How will non-speakers understand the message? Can they repeat it?
    • What new associations are you trying to build?
    • How can the soundtrack work to enhance your message?
    • Will you use humor? Horror? Tug heartstrings? Hit with facts? What thoughts or emotion will each evoke from your audience?
    • Will you use Metaphor? Symbols? To what end? What will they make your audience think or feel?

3. Tech tools

    • Brainstorm in Google docs
    • Consult music websites and YouTube for audio files or use digital tools to create a soundtrack
    • Moovly, PowToon, WeVideo are online forums for video composition or students can use a program that is resident on their device.
    • Students can use phones to record video and the green screen in the library

For Discussion:

  • SKILLS: what skills are required for successful completion of this exercise?
  • CONTENT: how does successful completion of this project show content knowledge?
  • RUBRIC: how can you evaluate this project? How can you create assessment checkpoints throughout the project?