Frequently asked questions:

1. Can I make-up assignments marked "missed" on the portal? Yes, you can as long as we are still in the same unit that the missing assignment was assigned in.

2. What can I do to raise my grade? There are many quizzes and tests per unit. Start studying the notes or activities that we do in class for 10 minutes a day. Use the current quizlet set frequently. Come in for extra help with questions or topics that you would like help on. Have someone at home quiz you from notes or section homework sheets aloud. Be sure you READ the textbook and not just skim for answers.

3. What do I do if I get a check minus (60%)on an assignment? You can fix the questions marked wrong or complete questions you skipped the first time. When you hand it back in for a re-grade it will go to check or 85%.

4. What do I do if I notice a mistake on a grade on the portal? Just talk to Mrs. Kerr, bring the assignment to her and she will fix it on the portal.

5. What do I do if I do a quizlet set late or I was absent when it was due? Fill in a late/absent slip from the back table in the classroom. Put it on the shelf marked for the period you have social studies. Be sure you log-in to see the assigned set-DO NOT search for the set or Mrs. Kerr from the main page. You are not logged in and won't get credit.

6. I was absent and I missed class, did we do anything? Check the post in Google Classroom for the day you were absent. See if there were notes you missed. Check on the Table of Contents for the binder on the clipboard on the back table in the classroom (you can check it in Google Classroom too).

7. I can't turn pages in my online textbook, what should I do? Click the refresh arrow in the upper left corner of your page. If that doesn't work, log out and log back in. Be sure you are using Google Chrome as your web browser. Look to see if your pop-ups are being blocked. (look on the URL at the top of the page for a red star indicating pop-ups are blocked. Allow pop-ups from hmh website.