FAAM MLU work content proposals

Mid-Life Upgrade Work Content

As part of the FAAM Mid-Life Upgrade, a process has been setup to enable work content to be defined, assessed and integrated into the Programme if deemed of appropriate value and benefit in delivering the strategic objectives set out in the Programme's Business Case. This includes activities that have been defined as part of the MLU Programme Plan, as well as any additional content that wishes to be considered relevant. The strategic objectives as defined in the MLU Business Case are to:

The scope of the Mid-Life Upgrade is to deliver against these strategic objectives, and the MLU Management Team is therefore looking for suggestions from anyone in the community or as active stakeholders to the Facility that has suggestions for possible work concepts to deliver on these objectives. It is envisaged that all areas of work can be associated with at least one of these objectives, and it is expected that all proposed work is able to provide sufficient justification to describe the benefits aligned to these objectives.

All possible work should be aligned to one or more of the MLU Themes, which are as follows:

Proposal Process

FAAM has created a process by which anyone can submit suggestions for work content to be considered by the MLU, with the aim of ensuring all activities are fairly and properly assessed for alignment to Programme goals, potential benefits and use of resources, before being committed to the Programme. There are two types of activity that can be considered for the MLU:

The Work Content Proposal Process is comprised of three stages of proposition, before a concept can become an MLU Project.

Stage 1 - for initial concepts to be raised with the MLU Programme. At this stage, the proposal should have a broad understanding of the scope of the activity, the main benefits its provides, a high-level schedule for undertaking, and rough order magnitude costings to deliver if known. Submissions are made via this Google Form via the site and will be reviewed by the MLU Team at regular intervals, with the intention to provide feedback and next steps within one calendar month.

Stage 2 - allows for the proposal team to present a more detailed case to define the intended scope of works and further details of outcomes and benefits to the MLU Team, its User Community Advisory Group and other relevant committees at FAAM. It is at this stage that evidence regarding wider support from the community should be presented to demonstrate a credible proposition that has considered its intended applications and use cases. A template of the questions to be covered shall be shared with applicants following approvals at Stage 1.

Stage 3 - for ultimate submission to the Programme for consideration, at which point the proposal should detail a complete breakdown of outcomes and activities, a full schedule of works with dependencies mapped, all resources identified and costed, a risk register, identification of all stakeholders and identification of any long-term support requirements. This will be completed via the MLU Stage 3 Form which will be made available to applicants following approvals at Stage 2.

Following approval from the MLU Management Team at Stage 3 in this process, each activity will be given a designated MLU Project ID and be allowed to commence the activity using allocated funds. Note that it is possible to claim for costs to develop a proposal through this process although this should be agreed with the MLU Management Team in advance. Applicants will be assigned a working MLU Concept ID between stages 1-3 for tracking purposes.