Mr. Tanquist


Welcome to my website for 6th grade. On this page you will find some basic information about myself, and under "Teaching Methods" you will find some specifics on how my classes will be run. Please use my "Weekly Lessons" tab to keep yourself up to date on what your students will be learning each day and what homework they are responsible for.

Meet your teacher

Mr. Tanquist  |  Sixth Grade |  Ascent of Northern Colorado


My name is Stephen Tanquist. I grew up overseas in Dakar, Senegal where my parents worked, and I graduated from Hillsdale College in 2020 with a major in English and a minor in Classical Education. I have a lovely wife named Sarah, who is teaching Upper School Math and a Theater elective for the Upper School students here at Ascent. This is going to be my second year in a teaching position, though my first year teaching Math.

Despite my lack of experience, I have a great love of story, both in literature and in the history of our civilization. Narrative has a power unlike any other to capture the human soul and raise it to a better understanding of the universe and man’s place within it. It is my hope not just to teach your children the facts of the content, but to enable the stories we read to find a resting place within their hearts, enabling them to better discern the world around them and to react prudently to its changing circumstances.

In addition to a love of story (and learning in general), I have a strong passion for theater, one of the best windows into how various cultures viewed themselves and expressed their passions. This will not have a huge place in the day-to-day affairs of our particular classroom, though it will play a part in some of their homework.


Education seeks to produce within students the attitudes and desires necessary for them to live well. It seeks to instill in them a love for the proper things so that they may become virtuous and capable of appropriately responding to the various needs and demands of their environment. Once graduating from the school, they should have the tools to continue with their education for the entirety of their lives, always growing and developing. As a teacher, my role and my joy is in challenging them and exciting them into the pursuit of growth and truth.


In Math, the students will begin to dip their toes in the waters of a subject they have been building up to for some time: Algebra. I am eager to show the students the continuity between Algebra and what they have already learned, as well as how it represents problem-solving techniques they already use in engaging with the world. 

The unit I am most looking forward to in History is our exploration of the French Revolution.  Many students rightly have a great fondness and esteem for the American Revolution and the active participants within it. On the surface, the French Revolution is an extension of those ideas, and yet it goes much further than its American counterpart and leaves a wake of destruction behind it from which France has never recovered. I love seeing students engage with this, try to understand how this was different than what they learned about a short time ago. It is a challenging period, but a rewarding one to explore as a class.

In Literature, we will soon enter into The Count of Monte Cristo, one of my favorite novels. Throughout their entire schooling here, our students will be examining virtue and how it is represented through the stories we read. This book is one of the earliest complex moral works they will encounter at Ascent, and it sparks all kinds of thought and debate. There are a lot of tantalizing details and aspects of this story for students to mull over, and I am greatly looking forward to our discussions.

Mr. Tanquist is Reading:

The Ethics of Beauty - Timothy Patitsas


Mr. Turner |  5th-6th Mathematics, Science, Spelling  |  Ascent Classical Academy of Northern Colorado


I was born in Southern California, raised in Central Texas, and eventually found my way to Northern Colorado in 2016. I moved to this beautiful state to attend the University of Denver where I received my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree with a focus on Information and Analytics, and with minors in marketing and leadership studies. My previous work experiences include real estate photography, landscaping, customer service ranging from front desk receptionist to licensed investment and retirement aid, and finally substituting and coaching. As you can probably tell, it may have taken quite a few tries to find my calling, but all of those experiences have led me to be teaching this year at Ascent Classical Academy and I could not be more excited to start. As an apprentice teacher, I will be in several classrooms learning from my exceptional counterparts through watching them teach, as well as teaching several subjects including mathematics, science, and spelling. 


I am most excited to be able to watch the growth, joy, and wonder in our students over the course of the year. It was a wonderful experience as a substitute teacher at this school, not knowing what each day would bring, but through this role, my responsibility and impact has grown to have a direct impact on my students from start to finish. Whether it is creating excitement for mathematics or curiosity and awe for science, the responsibility of creating an effective and engaging learning environment is not something I take lightly, and I am excited to face the challenge for the betterment of the students, as well as myself.