Greek and Latin Roots

Greek and Latin Roots--Weeks 16 & 17 (Quiz 3/5)


Scribo/Scriptum-Write, Latin

Plico/Plicatum-Fold, Latin

Dico/Dictum-Speak, say-Latin


Liber/Libri-Book, Latin

Scio/Scitum-Know, Latin



Amo/Amatum-Love, Latin

Schole-Leisure, free time-Greek

Cor/Cordis-Heart, Latin

Greek and Latin Roots--Weeks 14 & 15  (quiz 2/15):

Mater/Matris: Mother, Latin

Frater/Fratris: Brother, Latin

Demos: The people, the citizens, Greek

Populus: The people, Latin

Polis: City, Greek

Urbs/Urbis: City, Latin

Pathos: Feeling/ suffering, Greek

Autos: Self, Greek

Thermos: Heat, Greek

Curro/Cursum: Run, Latin

Zoon: Animal, Greek

Verto/Versum: Turn, Latin

Greek and Latin Roots--Weeks 12 & 13:

Chronos: Greek-Time

Tempus/Temporis: Latin-Time

Para: Greek-Beside, along with

Inter: Latin-Between, among, amid

Techne: Greek-Art, skill

Ars/Artis: Latin-Art, skill


Vivo/Victum: Latin-Live

Mikros: Greek-small

Megas: Greek-Great, large, big

Magnus: Latin-Big, Large, great

Pater/Patris: Latin-Father