What is TRIO?

TRIO is a set of educational college access and retention programs sponsored by Southwestern Oregon Community College and funded through the U.S. Department of Education. North Bend High School and North Bend Middle School both have TRIO Advisors who work with our students.

We assist and encourage students to:

> Stay in school and graduate.

> Enroll in college, university, or technical training programs after high school graduation.

NBHS has two TRIO Programs,

Talent Search and Upward Bound.

Exploring a college campus with TRIO.

What is the difference between

Talent Search and Upward Bound?

Both TRIO programs offer participants a variety of free activities throughout the year. The activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Small group and individual meetings.

  • Information about academic, career, and vocational opportunities.

  • Opportunities for self-understanding, decision making, social-emotional learning, coping with peer pressure, leadership, and study skills.

  • Exposure to career opportunities, college campuses, and cultural experiences on field trips.

  • Workshops and in-school sessions related to study skills, time management, career choices, and opportunities for education beyond high school.

  • Assistance with PSAT, SAT, and ACT registration, college admissions, scholarship applications, and financial aid forms.

Talent Search is for students who may need just a little extra help and information to get into college.

Upward Bound offers assistance depending on individual need for student.

Click on each tab at the top to compare and find out which one is the best choice for you!


Talent Search call 541.751.7154 or email SJames@nbend.k12.or.us

Upward Bound call 541.751.7116 or email SVLydick@nbend.k12.or.us