NBHS Cheer Team

WELCOME to the official site of the North Bend High School Cheer Team!

This year, we have decided to not have a Middle School Cheer Team due to the current pandemic.

Due to the current pandemic, you need to have a mask during tryouts which will be held
May 24th, 25th, and 26th, 5:30-8:00PM at North Bend High School. Please wear a shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes, and bring your own water bottle. Once you have filled out the form below, we will email you a registration packet that you will also need to fill out, get signed, and bring to the first day of tryouts.

Please fill out the form below by May 20th, 2021. Entries will not be accepted after this date.

Any questions:

Contact Head Coach Lena Franson at northbendbulldogcheer@gmail.com