Reading Extension- Environmental Change and The Future.

Table of Contents:

Ruin - Wes Ball


​This hyper realistic short animation (8mins 30secs) is set in a post-apocalyptic landscape of derelict buildings which are slowly being taken over by the futuristic flora and fauna.
The film begins with stunning establishing shots of the setting before we see a large container being ejected from the ‘Haven Nanotech’ building. The main protagonist is then seen exploring the container. He discovers a strange mobile device which seems to direct him to a mystery research facility. As he is trying to make sense of what is on the screen a sound of rotor blades warns him that he is in danger and to make his escape.


Answer the following questions and post them to your blog:

  • When is this story set? How do we know?

  • What do you think has happened?

  • How did one man survive or are there more?

  • What is trying to stop him and why?

  • What will happen next?


Follow up:

It's your choice. Choose one of the following writing opportunities to take your story further.

Writing opportunities

  • Describe the settings in the opening scenes.

  • Create an internal monologue for the character. (See note below)

  • Retell the story (or parts of it) as a third person narrative.

  • Create a character profile (fill in the missing information)

  • Create a news report to describe the day the 'world ended'

  • Write a prequel

  • Create further scenes set in this landscape.

  • Design additional futuristic weapons/machines - draw diagrams and write explanations.

  • When the film ends what happens next? Continue the story.

Eye of The Storm


The video of "Eye of the Storm" tells the story of an anonymous airship pilot, whom we see in a very dark, simplified form deciding in his melancholy to steer his airship into a massive (and possible ether-driven) storm. Throughout the video we see him preparing his craft, setting it on "autopilot", and saying goodbye to his one companion- a dragon.


Answer the following questions and post them to your blog:

Is the man the 'dragon master?'

Why does the dragon have to be kept locked up?

Where is the ship going? What will happen as the ship goes into the storm at the end?


Follow up:

It's your choice. Choose one of the following writing opportunities to take your story further.

  • Write a description of the scene.

  • Write the dialogue between the pilot and his dragon.

  • Write a letter to his family saying goodbye and explaining his plans.

  • Write the ending to the narrative. What happens as he goes through the storm. What is on the other side?



The video of "Eye of the Storm" tells the story of an anonymous airship pilot, whom we see in a very dark, simplified form deciding in his melancholy to steer his airship into a massive (and possible ether-driven) storm. Throughout the video we see him preparing his craft, setting it on "autopilot", and saying goodbye to his one companion- a dragon.


The Promise

