Mrs. Nelson's Third Grade

Third Grade Supply List 2018-2019

1 24 count crayola crayons

1 24 count Ticonderoga Pencils

1 10 count Crayola Markers

2 pink erasers

2 large Elmer's glue sticks

4 Expo markers

1 2 inch ring binder for take home items

1 pencil pouch to put in take home binder

1 package of wide ruled notebook paper

2 red grading pens

1 plastic supply box

2 purple plastic folders with brads

1 green composition notebook for Science

1 red composition notebook for Reading

1 yellow composition notebook for Math

1 blue composition notebook for Social Studies

1 package of plastic dividers with pockets for take home binder

2 boxes of Kleenex

2 containers of Clorox wipes

Back to School Flier 2018.pdf
3rd grade daily homework policy.docx