Award and Promotion

Our Company believes in giving awards as quickly as possible after they are earned.  Our goal is to have earned awards handed out in class every week with the schedule permitting.  Medals, Ribbons, devices and various accoutrements pictures, descriptions and award criteria can be found in the Cadet Field Manual (CFM) and the Cadet Reference Manual (CRM).  Annual Awards will be awarded two weeks out from Graduation each School Year during the school day.

Our promotion system is based on demonstrated knowledge and ability, not on position held.  Only four Unit positions have a fixed rank associated with them:  The Unit Commanding Officer (C/LCDR), the Unit Executive Officer (C/LT), Unit Operations Officer (C/LTjg) and the Unit Command Master Chief (C/CMC).  All other Cadets wear the rank to which they have earned promotion.  Our promotion system is explained in greater detail in the links below, but requires the following for promotion to each rank (This does not include meritorious promotions):

1)  Time in grade:  Cadets are eligible by time in grade to promote at the end of each quarter (promotion cycle). 

2)  Must have a unit job, leadership position or be a member of a competitive team.

3)  Uniform Grade:  Must have a 70 or better on their uniform grade for the quarter and no single Personnel Inspection grade of "0" during that promotion cycle.

3)  General Naval Knowledge to include Chain of Command (COC), Orders to the Sentry etc.

4)  Community Service involvement (See Calendar for updates)

5)  Pass the Knowledge Test appropriate for next higher rank.

6)  Good Conduct (No referrals or teacher documented classroom problems during promotion cycle)

7)  Must be recommended by the Cadet Chain of Command.

The Naval Science Instructor receives the Chain of Command recommendations, reviews the promotion recommendations as well as the "do not promote" recommendations.  After the NSI has accepted all the recommendations the NSI will deliver the promotion recommendations to the Senior Naval Science Instructor for final promotion authority.

Please click here to learn more about our promotion system located in our Cadet Regulations which is updated annually.