
Greenhouse Project

Our activity can be addressed to companies starting  from greenfield project. 

We can provide : 

The feasibility study is based on the crop choices made by the customer and on the market segment in which he wants to operate. 

We, therefore, proceed to: 


A large part of our business is dedicated to the production of young horticultural plants (vegetable seedlings). 

Our Staff has over thirty years of experience in this sector. 

We have carried out projects for greenhouse production companies in various European and non-European countries, providing our professional technical assistance. 

Technical assistance is constantly provided through real-time communication systems with local agronomic structures who are informed and supported in their activity for all technical problems related to the type of production, phytosanitary, fertilization, logistic organization of the internal production activity.

Through weekly online meetings, we compare ourselves with locally engaged agronomists and with them we plan and refine production techniques.

Communications with company staff are organized with a CRM system that keeps track of the progress of activities


We develop projects in seed business that aim at assessing local markets and their potential. 

We identify the most suitable varietal types for the production areas. 

We organize demonstration plants where farmers can go to evaluate the specific characteristics of the varieties during the open days periodically organized. 

We also had experience in managing varieties, royalties and seed production on behalf of seed companies both in the vegetable sector and in the fiber hemp sector for industrial use.

We are developing market expansion projects in the horticultural seed sector.