La música= Music

Los Pollitos

A traditional Chilean Nursery Rhyme that is sung in the Spring time. Second graders are learning how to read in Spanish. They now know their alphabet and how to say their vowel sounds. In all grades we are inferring meaning from the lyrics as we sing along!

Did you know that animals make different sounds in other languages?

It is true! Why? People from other countries interpret the sounds they hear animals make differently! Learn your animals and their sounds with this internationally VIRAL song, El Pollito Pío!

This song originally began in Italy and quickly became a global sensation translated in many languages!

You can....

1. Learn the dance

2. How to say the animal names and sounds in Spanish

3. Learn the lyrics in Spanish!

El baile-El pollito pío

The dance

Canta- El pollito pío

The song

Las letras

The lyrics

Los sonidos

The animal sounds