Nauset Regional High School's Remote Learning Support Site


This is a time for support and patience. Our effort to provide remote learning is not about up rooting the full grown system we knew and transplanting it into a virtual space. We are growing something that is new for everyone.

This site has been created to provide our community with the most up to date information and support we have as we transition together into remote learning. We are calling week one "seed planting" as we start by planting the seed of the idea of learning how to learn together in a new environment.

The most important things for us all to do for each other right now is to be nice and to be present. Many are feeling isolated, fearful, and sad. We simply need to care for others. Next week we will begin the process of adjusting to doing distance learning. Week one is all about getting our distance learning legs. Slow and steady is the way to begin.

We are all learning for the first time in this new world. Remember the story of The Tortoise and the Hare. This is a time for moving slowly and sticking together.
