Distance Learning @ NPS


Naugatuck Public Schools has launched online learning for its students PreK-12. We maintain our devotion to personal relationships, safety and wellness, and access and opportunity for all.

On this site, you will find guidance on how to log into programs and where to find the online learning classrooms that your student will be using during their distance learning experience. The district's distance plan can be found here.

Grading Guidance Documents

Access your child's
K-6 report card for Trimester 2

Two students working on Chromebooks while lying on floor

What it means to learn online

Naugatuck Public Schools has protocols and guidelines for learning that takes place out of the classroom in an online environment. Teachers use Google Classroom to post assignments, check in with students, and view student work. They use Google Hangouts and Google Meet to arrange live, in-person discussions and conversations.

To find out more about Naugatuck's Distance Learning Guidelines, click here.

Salem Elementary Schoolboy reading book

Kindergarten to Grade 4

Student working at desk

Grades 5 and 6

Middle School boy using Chromebook

Grades 7-8

high school girl using chromebook

Naugatuck High School

stack of chromebooks

Any issues with your ChromeBook issued by Naugatuck Public Schools can be reported here.

Elementary school girl using Chromebook

How to Turn In assignments in Google Classroom

Access Learning Ally for grades 5-8. Free app required for Chrome or other device from app store.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for Whittemore Library's access to Tumble Books.