
Alumni & Traditions 

Alumni Questionnaire/Survey

We are currently looking to connect with Alumni and build our contact book for continued engagement. For our committee we are hoping to learn about traditions that may have been lost over the years, so if you can fill out this short survey we would very much appreciate it for all these traditions to continue!

Alumni Traditions 

Alumni Contact Information 

An Update from Alumni & Traditions:

The Alumni & Traditions Committee plans and coordinates ways to reach our amazing Kayette Alumni! While ensuring Kayette traditions are kept alive across all activities.

In the fall we plan our annual Alumni Tea event to help connect alumni and current members during NAU Homecoming Week. Plus this spring semester we began revaming our K-Catch up Letter. While most alumni are connected through Facebook, last fall an Alumni Instagram was created (all linked at the bottom of the page). Not everyone has social media and in the past, this committee created a physical letter to share updates. This year we decided to create this website to help keep our alumni updated with everything happening in the Kayette world! 

We want to connect and engage with more alumni and hope to learn more about traditions that may have been lost over the past 54 years. If you have a second there are two links above that can help us learn more about the history of Kayettes and more about you as an Alum! 

Recruitment & Publicity 

Tapping Breakfast

With this years recruitement wrapping up this Saturday with our traditional Yettie Retreat we are excited to announce the group welcomes 18, new wonderful soul sisters. At Tapping Breakfast we revealed Big & Littles with pun filled posters and silly matching socks, delicious food and fun games. We shall see what great things these Yetties will do for the community in the coming months! 

Yettie K-Signings

Even after 54 years, the traditions continue! With new Yetties comes our 1:1 dates to make sure everyone meets everyone in the group and strengthen our sisterhood bonds. In the image above you can see one of our membersbinders with the traditional Yellow K full with messages and stickers from each Kayette she has met.

An Update from Publicity:

The publicity committee creates new and approachable ways to get to know the group throughout the NAU campus, Flagstaff, and beyond! 

The committee runs all our social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and very soon TikTok. Posts are made to highlight members as well as service activities that have taken place so that others can learn more about our values. Our most successful opportunities for publicity surrounds Instagram and how popular the platform is. For instance, we interact with other organizations and we have taken over the NAU Instagram which helped us recruit large numbers of new members as well as inform the University about Kayettes! 

We also create posters for fundraising events so that members can easily inform others about what we have going on! Recently, we created Krispy Kreme flyers and are currently in the works of hosting tabled activities in NAU's Union where people can participate as well as ask questions about Kayettes. This committee helps grow involvement and knowledge of what NAU Kayettes stand for and how others can join to help their community!

More summer updates to come:)


An Update from Fundraising: 

Our  fundraising committee creates events and programs, with sponsors, to help fund our group.

The funds are used to help us with our service projects, like our annual Holiday Dinner. The money also covers training fees for members to do volunteer work, and events within the group like our annual spring formal. Plus the funds to pay for the storage unit where we keep everything Kayettes. 

Our most successful fundraiser is always Krispy Kreme, and we’ve partnered with other businesses in the past such as Raising Canes and Chick-fil-a. We have a few more fundraisers coming up this semester including a paint night, and more. 

Keeping the group funded allows us to participate in more events, helps spread our name, and allows individual members to continue to be a part of this amazing group, without financial stress.


An Update from Service: 

The service committee coordinates and plans all of our service events on NAU’s campus and the community as a whole! 

We have many unique one time service opportunities that come up throughout the year as well as ones that are occuring every day or every week. These include working with a local thrift shop called Cedar’s Closet, Flagstaff Family Food Center, Berg’s BBQ, Flagstaff Humane Society, Habitat for Humanity Restore.

Additionally, this year we were finally able to host our annual Holiday Dinner at the local community center, the Joe C. Montoya center, in the fall with slightly modified context due to the pandemic. We were still able to meet out goal to feed 100 people through our drive-thru Holiday Dinner! Plus we currently working on a community Trivia Night fundraiser/Silent Auction with local Cancer Support Community Flagstaff coming up Sunday April 24th 2022!


Hiking Social 

Pumpkin Patch Social

Holiday Social

Study Social 

An Update from Social: 

The social committee plans and organizes fun events for Kayettes that benefit the well-being and togetherness of the group.

Some of our socials have been academic, fitness-based, or simply for enjoying time together! For some socials, expenses have been covered by the Kayette account. Otherwise, smaller expenses have been covered by individuals who attend events like Dinner Socials after meeting or a Coffee Social held at a local shop. Our biggest social of the year, was our annual Spring Formal event! We had lost of fun celebrating out members and highlight all collaborative contributions as Kayettes. 

Some other socials we have hosted include: hiking, a Bead’s of Courage bead-making night, studying at the Cline, holiday-themed socials, and photo socials, and even a Color a Smile service social!

A Letter From Our President...

Dear Kayette Alumni!

Carsen Mastrangelo here, the 2021-2022 president! We are so excited to have this opportunity to get a website up and running to keep you all updated on Kayette life! Our next generation of Kayettes are an absolutely remarkable group! I am so deeply impressed and inspired by the passion that these ladies have, you would be proud of how they are carrying and representing the group!

This year we have had many unforeseen challenges, joyful moments, unexpected turns, and satisfying service events. With 15 seniors graduating last spring (2021), a large part of our foundational knowledge was lost, however we moved forward in resiliency and problem solved in new, innovative ways!!

Starting off in the fall we had a meaningful Fall Retreat, a successful annual Family Breakfast event, and a very spirited Homecoming float! We volunteered at the 2 day grand opening of a brand new local agency - Cancer Support Community AZ, and then participated in their Trunk-Or-Treat event on Halloween to support the fun in the community! We enjoyed visiting with alumni in-person and virtually at our annual Alumni Tea plus had a fun Halloween social to round out October. November started off with a very special and exciting Founder's Day which the mayor of Flagstaff, Paul Deasey, attended! It was a noteworthy evening to celebrate our Yetties who had put together a very important service project! They collected a carload of supplies to donate to the Navajo Nation in efforts to support them during covid-19! So amazing! We quickly transitioned into our Annual Trick-Or-Treating for Cans food drive and prepared for Holiday Dinner!! We were ecstatic to be able to host Holiday Dinner since Fall 2020 had to be canceled! This year it was a 2 day process and ended up being a "drive thru" event to serve the food! Nevertheless, it was a success! We ended the semester with our Secret Sister/ Holiday Party and reminisced on the memories we made. I must also mention the regular service and fun socials that we had sprinkled throughout the semester! All together we did 425 service hours in the Fall!

The beginning of this Spring semester has been very exciting too! After weeks of working on recruitment, we successfully recruited 22 new Yetties!! Tapping Breakfast was a success and all the remaining members got 2-3 littles! Yetties are still getting acclimated to the group, but already show great spirit, service, and smiles! Our group continues to partner with the Cancer Support Community and we volunteered to bake 100 dozen cinnamon rolls for a fundraiser. We also plan to help host their Trivia Night event happening in April! Yettie Retreat is just around the corner and we are excited for Formal too! Before we know it, our next set of Execs will be taking over and Spring 2022 will come to an end!

I want to thank you all for your constant support! We are hoping that this website will enable us to engage more with you and learn about student organization, NAU Kayettes, that you were once part of!! It has been an honor to be president of this incredible group and I cannot wait to see what is to come!!

K 💛 Kaitlyn McWilliams

Last Updated April 2022