
Projects with ATDN data, ongoing and concluded

Researcher(s) Year started: Topic, status, year concluded, comments, Journal name (contains link)

Hans ter Steege 2000: An analysis of Amazonian floristic composition, including those of the Guiana Shield, concluded 2000, published, Journal Tropical Ecology.

Hans ter Steege 2001: A spatial model of tree a-diversity and -density for the Amazon Region, concluded 2003, published, Biodiversity & Conservation.

Juliana Stropp 2010: Towards an understanding of tree diversity In Amazonian forests, PhD project, concluded 2011, published, PhD thesis, Ecography, Plant Ecology & Diversity, Acta Amazonica

Hans ter Steege 2013: Hyperdominance in the Amazon Tree Flora, concluded 2013, published, Science.

Edwin Pos 2013: Are all species necessary to reveal ecologically important patterns, concluded 2014, published, Ecology & Evolution.

Maria Cristina Penuela 2013: Understanding Colombian Amazonian white sand forests, PhD project, concluded 2014, published, PhD thesis.

Adriane Esquivel Muelbert 2013: Seasonal drought limits tree species across the Neotropics, concluded 2016, published, Ecography, Global Change Biology, PhD thesis.

Edwin Pos 2013: Estimating migration parameters for Amazonian forests using spatially implicit and semi-explicit neutral models, concluded 2019, published, Ecology & Evolution, Ecology Letters, PhD thesis.

Hans ter Steege 2013: Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species, concluded 2015, published, Science Advances.

Juan Guevara 2013: Guevara, Ecuador plots, taxonomic standardization, Trees of Amazonian Ecuador - a taxonomically verified species list with data on abundance and distribution, concluded 2019, published, Ecology, data paper.

Juan Guevara 2014: Low Phylogenetic Beta Diversity and Geographic Neo-endemism in Amazonian White-sand Forests, concluded 2016, published, Biotropica.

Juan Guevara 2015: Climatic and dispersal filters drive phylogenetic beta diversity patterns of Amazonian tree communities in Ecuador, concluded 2021, published, Oecologia.

Caroline Levis 2014: Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition, concluded 2017, published, Science1, Science2, Science3, PhD thesis.

Hans ter Steege 2014: Rarity of monodominance in hyperdiverse Amazonian forests, concluded 2019, published, Scientific Reports.

Nicolas Castano 2014: Tree diversity in the Colombian Amazon Forest, ongoing.

Simon Queenburough 2015: Breeding sytems in Amazonian trees, halted 2015, data not requested, see McGlone 2022.

Ima Vieira 2015: Censo da biodiversidade arvores da Amazonia. Quantas árvores e quantas espécies de árvores existem na Amazônia?, concluded 2015, published, Anuário Pará .

Jean-François Bastin 2015: Plots ter Steege, Banki, Stropp. Plots of which plot data was transferred to BigTrees, Pan-tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees, concluded 2018, published, Global Ecology Biogeography.

Hans ter Steege 2016: Estimating species richness in hyper-diverse large tree communities (Reserva Ducke, St Elie, Monte Branco), concluded 2017, published, Ecology.

Vitor Gomes 2016: Species Distribution Modelling Contrasting presence-only models with plot abundance data, concluded 2018, published, Scientific Reports.

Florian Wittman 2016: Flooding forests, changed to Householder FL 2019, concluded 2019, moved to Householder FL 2019.

Thiago Andre, Thaise Emilio 2016: Current and historical constraints on Amazonian palm tree species distributions, ongoing, Palm data only

Hans ter Steege 2017: Plots to be used for Amazon microbiome study if proposal funded, halted 2021, proposal not funded.

Gijs Steur 2017: Relationships between species richness and ecosystem services in Amazonian forests strongly influenced by biogeographical strata and forest types, concluded 2022, published, Scientific Reports.

Marcelo Carim, Florian Wittmann 2017: Ecology floodplain species lower Amazon, ongoing, PhD thesis. Prepublished Research Square

Tamara Milton 2017: What characteristics contribute to the success of hyperdominant Lecythidaceae species in a mature Amazonian forest?, ongoing.

Camila Ritter 2018: The pitfalls of biodiversity proxies - Differences in richness patterns of birds, trees and understudied diversity across Amazonia, concluded 2018, published, Scientific Reports

Freddie Draper 2018: Amazon tree dominance across strata, ATDN plots 100, 300 km from 0.1 ha plots, concluded 2021, published, Nature Ecology & Evolution

Isau Huamantupa-Chuquimaco 2018: Tree diversity and composition in western Amazonia, uncertain, status unclear

Hans ter Steege 2018: Functional trait composition and variation in the Amazon tree flora, ongoing, to be sent to co-authors

Jingjing Liang 2019: Published plot data from ATDN for GFBi, concluded 2019, published, Nature Ecology & Evolution

Hans ter Steege 2019: Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree flora, concluded 2020, published, Scientific Reports

Ethan Householder, Florian Wittman 2019: Modeling the ecological responses of tree species to the flood pulse of the Amazon Negro River floodplains, concluded 2021, published, Frontiers Ecology & Evolution

Manuel Marca‐Zevallos, Flavia Costa 2019: Local hydrological conditions influence tree diversity and composition across the Amazon basin, concluded 2022, published, Ecography, MSc thesis

David Correa, Pablo Stevenson 2019: Geographic patterns of tree dispersal modes in Amazonia and their ecological correlates, concluded 2022, published, Global Ecology Biogeography

Gerardo Aymard 2019: The forests of the upper Rio Negro (north-western Amazon) and adjacent south-western Orinoco basins, Published. Springer

Vinicius Peripato 2019: Over 10,000 Pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia, completed, published Science.

Ethan Householder, Florian Wittmann 2019: Altered flooding threatens globally unique floodplain forests in the Amazon, ongoing, accepted, Nature Ecology and Evolution

Joyce Ferreira 2019: Synergize. Pervasive regional gaps and potential global solutions for Amazonian ecological research, concluded, published. Current Biology

Edwin Pos 2020: Unraveling Amazon tree community assembly using Maximum Information Entropy, concluded 2023, published, Scientific Reports, PhD thesis

Bruno Garcia Luize, Kyle Dexter 2020: Geography and ecology shape the evolutionary lineage composition of Amazonian tree communities, published, J. Biogeography

Pablo Sanchez, Kyle Dexter 2020: On the evolution of life history strategies and functional traits in Amazonian trees, Submitted, Journal of Ecology.

Karold Viviana Coronado-Franco 2020: Maintenance of biodiversity: insights from frugivorous fishes in the Amazon River basin, ongoing, shared with co-authors

Caroline Levis, Crystal McMichael 2020: Pervasive effects of pre- and post-Colombian human inhabitation on the Amazon tree flora, ongoing.

Juan Guevara 2020: Phylogenetic endemism in Amazon forests; using novel phylogenetic methods to detect priority conservation areas, ongoing.

Crystal McMichael 2020: Pre- and post-Columbian human activity differentially affect the abundances of Amazonian tree species, ongoing, submitted

Bruno Garcia Luize, Hans ter Steege 2020: Biogeography of Amazon Tree Flora, ongoing.

Bernardo Flores 2020: Trees from the alternative biome as links to past and future dynamics, ongoing.

Gijs Steur 2020: Forest valuation Guiana shield, ongoing.

Hanna Tuomisto 2020: Reliable mapping and interpreting of floristic and geoecological patterns across the Amazon - trees and herbs, ongoing.

Hans ter Steege 2021: Mapping tree density, alpha-diversity and species-richness of the Amazonian tree flora, ongoing, Concluded 2023. published Communications Biology.

François Munoz 2021: Deciphering the imprint of eco-evolutionary dynamics on rainforest composition, ongoing..

Tamara Milton 2022: Amazonian hyperdominance exceeds expectations of neutral theory, ongoing, data sent.

Renato Lima 2022: SynTreeSys: Synthesis of Neotropical Tree Biodiversity with Plot Inventories, ongoing, Every analysis will require consent.

Débora Tomiatti Giancola, Jose Luis Camargo 2022: Biomass alteration of tree species exposed to deforestation and edge effect in the Amazon, starting, MSc project INPA, only locations of ~200 spp.

Juliana Stropp 2022: Long-term taxonomic changes and field sampling of Amazonian palms, ongoing, Palm data only.

Matt McGlone 2022: Breeding sytems in Amazonian trees, ongoing, data shared. In progress.

Declan Cooper 2022: Hyperdominance in tropical forests across the world, ongoing, Concluded 2024. Published. Nature

Crystal McMichael 2022: Lake charcoal and phytolith reconstructions from the areas around lakes Anangucocha and Zancudococha, Ecuador, ongoing, 

Felipe Franca, Joyce Ferreira 2022: SinbiAm, new, data to be requested.

Freddie Draper, Claire Teakle 2024. Quantifying Amazon tree composition through the lens of dominant canopy trees, started. 

Edwin Pos, John Harte 2022: Equation of state, new , data to be requested, awaiting proposal.

Amazon Tree Flora

Flores B. et al. 2023: Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system. Nature.

ter Steege, H., Mota de Oliveira, Pitman, N., S., Sabatier, D., Antonelli, A., Guevara, J.E., Aymard, G. & Salomão, R.P. (2019). Towards a dynamic list of Amazonian tree species. Scientific Reports.

ter Steege, H., R. W. Vaessen, D. Cardenas, D. Sabatier, A. Antonelli, S. Mota de Oliveira, N. Pitman, J. M. Jørgensen, and R. P. Salomão. (2016). The discovery of the Amazonian tree flora with an updated checklist of all known tree taxa. Scientific Reports.

ter Steege, H., R. W. Vaessen, D. Cardenas, D. Sabatier, A. Antonelli, S. Mota de Oliveira, N. Pitman, J. M. Jørgensen, R. P. Salomão and Vitor. H.F. Gomes. (2016). A descoberta da flora arbórea da Amazônia por meio de uma lista atualizada de todos os taxa arbóreos conhecidos. Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Nat.

ter Steege, H., Harripersaud, P. & Banki, O. (2011). A model of botanical collector’s behaviour in the field: Never the same species twice. American Journal of Botany.

Zizka A., ter Steege H. Pessoa M., & Antonelli A. (2018). Finding the needles in the haystack: Taxonomic surveys remain essential for mapping Amazonia's rare species. Ecography.

Papers using published ATDN data and species

Herrera-Alvarez, X., Blanco, J.A., Phillips, O.L., Guadalupe, V., Ortega-López, L.D., ter Steege, H. & Rivas-Torres, G. (2023) First-ever complete list of Amazonian timber tree species. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.

Herrera-Alvarez, X., Blanco, J.A., Phillips, O.L., Guadalupe, V., Ortega-López, L.D., ter Steege, H. & Rivas-Torres, G. (2023) MADERA: A standardized Pan-Amazonian dataset for tropical timber species. Ecology

Bacon et al (2022) The impact of species complexes on tree abundance patterns in Amazonia. American Journal of Botany

Lima et al. (2022) Making forest data fair and open. Nature Ecology & Evolution

Coelho et al (2021), Eighty-four per cent of all Amazonian arboreal plant individuals are useful to humans, PlosOne

Coelho et al (2021), Eighty-four per cent of all Amazonian arboreal plant individuals are useful to humans, Dryad, Dataset et al. (2021). Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation

Oliveira al (2018). The role of recruitment and dispersal limitation in tree community assembly in Amazonian forests. Plant Ecology & Diversity