General Information

For general information about Star Academy please visit the school's website.

The Special Education Program at Star Academy is a program to help children who qualify for special education services. The program is designed to give support to children and give them strategies to help them be successful in their education. The program offers small group instruction to meet the needs of each child’s individual education plan (IEP). Children are given instruction in the least restrictive environment. At Star Academy, we support students through an inclusive service model.

The Special Education teacher meets and plans with classroom teachers to ensure that the children are being taught the skills required at their grade level. There is constant communication between the classroom teacher, Special Education teacher, and the parents to ensure learning. If a child is having problems at school, whether in the general education classroom, on the playground, or in the Special Education class, teachers and parents work together so that the problem is quickly identified and resolved in order for the child to achieve maximum social, emotional, and academic success.

The goal of the Special Education program is to provide the learning support needed so that children can achieve grade level standards and their personal best inside and outside of the classroom.