Meet Our Board
In addition to our Bylaws, the Native American Code of Conduct and the Aboriginal Form of Governance are guiding documents to the management of BRIDGE.
TimiAnn Smith, Board President, Sugpiat
As with the other board members, TimiAnn has been with BRIDGE since its formation in 2009. She has volunteered for all programs:
Youth Skipper on our Angyak during the annual Tribal Journey
Designed and implemented such programs as Cultural Gatherings, the BRIDGE Canoe Family and Elder and Youth mentoring programs.
Served as Board Secretary 2011-2017
Deborah Elquist, Vice-President, Sugpiat
Pictured with her own tribe, Deb is our current Vice-President of our Board. She has been instrumental in implementing the following programs:
B.E.A.R. (BRIDGEs Educational and Art Resouces)
Participated in the annual Tribal Journey
Healing Circles
Journey into Well-Being
Alexandra Fennell, Board Secretary, Sugpiat
Pictured with her Elder Mentor is our Board Secretary, Alexandra. Alex is currently working on designing Native curriculum: Boards That Lead. She has collaborated on the following programs:
Protocol Princess for the BRIDGE Canoe Family
Hosted over forty-three cultural gatherings.
Led Healing Circles
Sophia Fennell, Treasurer, Sugpiat
Sophia, our Board Treasurer, is pictured here with another great leader , the President of our Alaska Native Corporation. Sophia is currently collaborating on our Native Financial Well-Being program to use Money as Medicine. She has served in the following programs:
Participated as a paddler (puller) on the Youth Canoe Journey.
Co-hosted over forty intertribal, intergenerational Cultural Gatherings.
Helping Hands caring for Elders and Youth by visiting and babysitting.
Darcie Pacholl, Executive Director, Sugpiat
Pictured her with her Mother, Maggie "Nadista" Brizgaloff Fennell, Darcie and her family developed BRIDGE in 2009. Besides implementing our programs, she also empowers others to lead. She has served in the following:
The Canoe Nation Support Consortium
Strengthening the Circle: Native Nonprofit Leadership
Building Native Communities: Financial Skills for Families
Alaska Federation of Natives Convention delegate
AFN Elders and Youth Conference