Noteworthy News

From your PL Coaches

April 1, 2024: School Committee Presentation

March/April are Digital Learning Months and All about AI!  

In November we introduced for all staff.  And today we have over 400 staff members self-enrolled in MagicSchool who have made 8,400+ requests.  MagicSchool is helping to make the work of you, our busy educators, easier by providing categories with easy prompt input enabling teachers to do more to reduce barriers for students and to be more efficient with their time!

Because we want all Natick Educators to experience the power of AI for their own practice and gain valuable insights on how AI works in the classroom. 

We have designed some opportunities and incentives for staff to deepen their understanding of AI and how it works:

I am so grateful to be working in a district that has such innovative educators helping to pioneer the future of education with this next generation disruptive technology.  Together we will thoughtfully create a plan for our community so that AI as a tool is used intentionally to support high academic integrity and student learning and so that we are all better prepared for life with AI.  There is much to do to help ourselves, our students, and our families be better equipped to use AI and digital tools intentionally and in a balanced way to support overall wellness.  I look forward to collaborating with you!  - Grace

February 2024 - Our 1st Issue